Tag: Donate to Gaumata

Donate To Gaumata
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2000+ Gaumatas Are Living A Healthy Life Here

Donate To Gaumata

Donate To Gaumata

Cows are very special in Hinduism and are a big part of Indian culture. But lately, there are more and more cows left alone or hurt in India. These cows do not get enough food, medical help, or a safe place to stay. To help them, many cow shelters called gaushalas have been set up all over the country. These gaushalas give the cows food, a place to live, and medical care. Donations are really important for these shelters because they help keep them running and take care of the cows. In this blog, we will talk about why giving money or things to these shelters is important for living a better life.

Let’s Donate to Gaumata for a healthy life in our Gaushala

Green grass and food for cows

One big cost for a cow shelter is feeding the cows. Cows need special food to stay healthy, and it can cost a lot to buy this food. Also, cows need to eat green grass all day, which can be hard to manage if there is not enough money. Donating to cow shelters helps them buy food for the cows. When you donate to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows get the right food they need to stay healthy and happy.

Shelter for Cows

Cows need a good place to stay safe from bad weather. In the summer, they need shade from the hot sun, and in the winter, they need a warm place. Cow shelters need enough space to keep all the cows safe, and it costs a lot to build and take care of these shelters. Donations can help cow shelters make better places for the cows to live. When you give money or things to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows have a cozy and safe home.

Medical care for cows

Cows are just like other living beings, many times cows require a medical care. But cow shelters often do not have enough money to pay for medical care. Donations can help cow shelters buy medicine, hire vets (animal doctors), and other staff to take care of the cows. They can also use donations to give the cows regular check-ups. When you donate to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows get the medical help they need.

Support for Krishna Dham Gaushala

Krishna Dham Gaushala stands as one of Dehradun largest Gaushala for cows. Here, we provide protection, sustenance, and refuge to ailing, starving, destitute, and stray Desi Cows and Bulls, many of whom are abandoned by their caretakers or rescued from slaughterhouses. The majority of these bovine creatures are unable to produce milk. They arrive at our sanctuary after enduring harsh conditions. Our dedicated team of hundreds of volunteers, known as Gausewaks, tirelessly tend to these animals day and night. Under the stewardship of Milli Kaur, this gaushala operates without exploiting the cows for their milk, instead, we offer it freely to saints and Gausewaks.

Our journey began modestly in 2016 with just nine cows in Dehradun. Today, we provide shelter and sustenance to over 2000 cows, bulls, and dogs across various locations. This number continues to grow steadily as more stray cows and dogs, often abandoned by their owners, find their way to our gaushala every day.

To contribute to the noble cause of preventing mother cows from experiencing hunger, homelessness, or being sent to slaughterhouses, consider donating to and supporting Krishna Dham Gaushala for their speechless efforts.



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