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Save Cows Save India

Save Cows Save India

Krishna Dham Gaushala – A Sanctuary for Injured and Abandoned Cows

Join us in the movement of Save Cows Save India at Krishna Dham Gaushala, we are committed to caring for cows. Our team of doctors and cow caretakers work tirelessly to ensure the cows are well-fed, receive proper medical care, and have access to adequate fodder. We strongly believe in preserving the future of cows by upholding traditional practices. For those who cannot keep cows at home, we offer a chance to adopt cows from our shelters. By adopting, you can take care of these amazing animals and gain the blessings linked with cow care. Feel free to visit our shelter and learn more about joining this meaningful effort.

Why saving cows is most importantSave Cows Save India

Cows are very special in India. They have been around for a long time and have gotten used to the weather and land here. Cows have a lot of good things about them for people, other animals, and the environment

Cow Milk: Cows make milk called A2 milk. It is full of good stuff like protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. A2 milk is easier on your stomach and doesn’t cause problems like lactose intolerance or allergies. Some people even think it can help with sickness and make your body stronger.

Cow Dung and Urine: It sounds weird, but cow dung and urine are actually really useful. Farmers use them as natural fertilizers and pesticides for organic farming. They also have stuff in them that fights germs and keeps things clean in the soil, water, and air.

Cultural Importance: In India, cows are a big part of the culture and traditions. People see them as mothers and symbols of the good things the Earth gives us. They are connected to lots of gods and goddesses of India, like Krishna, Shiva, Lakshmi, and Durga. Giving and taking care of cows is seen as a good thing to do. It is believed to bring peace, happiness, and success in life.

How Krishna Dham Gaushala Promotes Gau Seva?

Mission of Save Cows Save India followed by doing the following activities:

Cow Protection: We rescue and help injured, sick, old, or abandoned cows. Our place called Gaushala gives them a safe home with food, water, and medicine. We stop bad people from hurting or using them in the wrong ways.

Being Independent: Our gaushala wants to teach people to help cows and make good milk for themselves and their families. We teach them how to make things like ghee, butter, and yogurt from cow milk, dung, and urine.

Giving Shelter and Food: We give a safe place and food to all the cows we save. They get different kinds of food like grass, grains, fruits, and veggies. We make sure they have enough water, shade, air, and space to move around freely.

Sharing Knowledge: We tell people about the differences between cows and foreign breeds. We talk about the good things that come from desi cows. We explain why it is important to save cows and how they are part of our culture. We do events to spread this knowledge.

Let’s save our earth with Gauseva

As people, we need the blessings of our sacred Gaumata to have a peaceful life. Even if we live in cities, it is important to visit rural areas sometimes. There, we can meet cows in person. By doing this, we show that we understand how special these animals are. They have a strong spiritual presence and help our communities. Caring for them is something to be proud of.

Save Cows Save India

We started with just 9 cows in the year 2016 in Dehradun, and presently we shelter and feed more than 2000+ cows, bulls & Dogs in various locations all put together. This number is ever-increasing as stray Cows & Dogs mostly deserted by their owner are brought to our Gaushala every day.

Benefits of Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer-c
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Benefits of Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer-c

Benefits of Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer

Cow dung might not sound appealing at first, but did you know it can be a game-changer for your garden? That’s right! Cow dung liquid fertilizer, derived from cow manure, offers a host of benefits for your plants and soil. Here are the list of 7 Benefits of Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer:

  • Nutrient-Rich: Cow dung is packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are vital for plant growth. When turned into liquid fertilizer, these nutrients become readily available to plants, promoting healthy development and higher yields.
  • Organic and Eco-Friendly: Unlike chemical fertilizers, cow dung liquid fertilizer is entirely natural and environmentally friendly. It enriches the soil without harming beneficial organisms like earthworms and microbes, ensuring a sustainable and balanced ecosystem in your garden.
  • Improves Soil Structure: Cow dung liquid fertilizer helps improve soil structure by increasing its water-holding capacity and enhancing aeration. This creates a healthier environment for plant roots to grow, leading to stronger and more resilient plants.
  • Enhances Microbial Activity: Healthy soil is teeming with beneficial microorganisms that break down organic matter and release nutrients for plants. Cow dung liquid fertilizer stimulates microbial activity in the soil, creating a thriving ecosystem that supports plant growth and overall soil health.
  • Suppresses Plant Diseases: The natural compounds found in cow dung have been shown to possess antimicrobial properties, helping to suppress harmful pathogens that cause plant diseases. Using cow dung liquid fertilizer can thus reduce the risk of infections and improve the overall health of your plants.
  • Balances pH Levels: Maintaining the right pH level is crucial for optimal plant growth. Cow dung liquid fertilizer has a neutral pH, which can help balance the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, ensuring that plants have access to essential nutrients for their development.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Making cow dung liquid fertilizer at home is easy and cost-effective. By recycling cow manure, you can produce a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden without spending a lot of money on commercial products. It’s a budget-friendly solution that yields excellent results.

Conclusion – Benefits of Cow Dung Liquid Fertilizer

cow dung liquid fertilizer offers numerous benefits for gardeners looking to nourish their plants and improve soil health. From providing essential nutrients to promoting microbial activity and suppressing diseases, this organic fertilizer is a versatile and sustainable choice for any garden. Whether you’re growing vegetables, flowers, or fruits, incorporating cow dung liquid fertilizer into your gardening routine can lead to healthier, more vibrant plants and bountiful harvests.

So why not give it a try and experience the wonders of nature’s own fertilizer?

Support for Krishna Dham Gaushala

Krishna Dham Gaushala‘ stands as one of Dehradun largest Gaushala for cows. Here, we provide protection, sustenance, and refuge to ailing, starving, destitute, and stray Desi Cows and Bulls, many of whom are abandoned by their caretakers or rescued from slaughterhouses. The majority of these bovine creatures are unable to produce milk. They arrive at our sanctuary after enduring harsh conditions. Our dedicated team of hundreds of volunteers, known as Gausewaks, tirelessly tend to these animals day and night.

Under the stewardship of Milli Kaur, this gaushala operates without exploiting the cows for their milk, instead, we offer it freely to saints and Gausewaks. Our journey began modestly in 2016 with just nine cows in Dehradun. Today, we provide shelter and sustenance to over 2000 cows, bulls, and dogs across various locations. This number continues to grow steadily as more stray cows and dogs, often abandoned by their owners, find their way to our gaushala every day.

To contribute to the noble cause of preventing mother cows from experiencing hunger, homelessness, or being sent to slaughterhouses, consider donating to and supporting Krishna Dham Gaushala for their speechless efforts.

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Save Indian Cows-b

Save Indian Cows

Krishna Dham Gaushala is Changing The Lives of 2000+ Animals

Have you ever felt helpless seeing injured or abandoned cows on the streets and wished you could do something about it? These gentle creatures suffer tremendously, facing abuse, neglect, and even the threat of slaughterhouses. But amidst their plight, there’s a beacon of hope – gaushalas, shelters dedicated to caring for these voiceless beings. However, these shelters often struggle due to irregular donations, leaving them uncertain about their ability to provide care. Here’s where consistent donations make a significant impact.

Donate For 2000+ Animals living in the under care of Krishna Dham Gaushala

Our team’s are working 24×7 to Save Indian Cows.

  • Feeding fodder to hundreds of helpless cows: Regular donations ensure that gaushalas can afford to provide nutritious food to their residents, keeping them healthy and nourished.
  • Supporting rescues of injured and abandoned cows: With consistent funding, gaushalas can expand their reach and rescue more cows from suffering on the streets, offering them a chance at a better life.
  • Ensuring the long-term well-being of cows across India: Monthly contributions provide gaushalas with a sense of security, enabling them to plan for the future and continue their selfless service to these deserving animals.

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference in the lives of these vulnerable creatures. It allows gaushalas to continue their essential work, providing sanctuary and care to cows in need. By supporting this cause, you become a vital part of their journey towards a brighter, more compassionate future.

In India, more than 5 million cows wander the streets, facing malnourishment, neglect, and abuse. Many of these cows, even those which are pregnant also, struggling to find enough nourishment to survive. Resorting to eating from garbage piles, they endure a life far from the care and dignity they deserve.

But amidst these challenges, Krishna dham gaushala stands as a beacon of hope. Here, injured and helpless cows find a home where they receive medical treatment, nutritious food, and a safe space to recuperate. For these stray cows, who have endured the harshest realities of street life, this sanctuary offers a chance to rest and heal.

Your support through consistent donations makes this possible.

By contributing to Animal Welfare, you ensure that these humble creatures receive the care and compassion they deserve. Together, let’s continue to make a difference in the lives of India’s street cows, offering them a brighter future filled with love and dignity.

Join us in the movement to Save Indian Cows at Krishna Dham Gaushala for better lives of 2000 Gaumata’s.

Donate To Gaumata
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2000+ Gaumatas Are Living A Healthy Life Here

Donate To Gaumata

Donate To Gaumata

Cows are very special in Hinduism and are a big part of Indian culture. But lately, there are more and more cows left alone or hurt in India. These cows do not get enough food, medical help, or a safe place to stay. To help them, many cow shelters called gaushalas have been set up all over the country. These gaushalas give the cows food, a place to live, and medical care. Donations are really important for these shelters because they help keep them running and take care of the cows. In this blog, we will talk about why giving money or things to these shelters is important for living a better life.

Let’s Donate to Gaumata for a healthy life in our Gaushala

Green grass and food for cows

One big cost for a cow shelter is feeding the cows. Cows need special food to stay healthy, and it can cost a lot to buy this food. Also, cows need to eat green grass all day, which can be hard to manage if there is not enough money. Donating to cow shelters helps them buy food for the cows. When you donate to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows get the right food they need to stay healthy and happy.

Shelter for Cows

Cows need a good place to stay safe from bad weather. In the summer, they need shade from the hot sun, and in the winter, they need a warm place. Cow shelters need enough space to keep all the cows safe, and it costs a lot to build and take care of these shelters. Donations can help cow shelters make better places for the cows to live. When you give money or things to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows have a cozy and safe home.

Medical care for cows

Cows are just like other living beings, many times cows require a medical care. But cow shelters often do not have enough money to pay for medical care. Donations can help cow shelters buy medicine, hire vets (animal doctors), and other staff to take care of the cows. They can also use donations to give the cows regular check-ups. When you donate to a cow shelter, you are making sure the cows get the medical help they need.

Support for Krishna Dham Gaushala

Krishna Dham Gaushala stands as one of Dehradun largest Gaushala for cows. Here, we provide protection, sustenance, and refuge to ailing, starving, destitute, and stray Desi Cows and Bulls, many of whom are abandoned by their caretakers or rescued from slaughterhouses. The majority of these bovine creatures are unable to produce milk. They arrive at our sanctuary after enduring harsh conditions. Our dedicated team of hundreds of volunteers, known as Gausewaks, tirelessly tend to these animals day and night. Under the stewardship of Milli Kaur, this gaushala operates without exploiting the cows for their milk, instead, we offer it freely to saints and Gausewaks.

Our journey began modestly in 2016 with just nine cows in Dehradun. Today, we provide shelter and sustenance to over 2000 cows, bulls, and dogs across various locations. This number continues to grow steadily as more stray cows and dogs, often abandoned by their owners, find their way to our gaushala every day.

To contribute to the noble cause of preventing mother cows from experiencing hunger, homelessness, or being sent to slaughterhouses, consider donating to and supporting Krishna Dham Gaushala for their speechless efforts.

Benefits of Cow Daan

Benefits of Cow Daan

Benefits of Cow Daan-a

Benefits of Cow Daan

The Concept of Cow Daan

The term “Daan” means giving or gifting. In Hindu tradition, Daan is an important practice done with deep devotion and belief to achieve various goals, which can differ for each person and situation. Think of Daan like Newton’s third law, which says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In a similar way, there’s a saying, “What Goes Around, Comes Around,” suggesting that the more you give, the more comes back to you. Among all the types of Daan, Gau Daan (donating a cow) is considered the most significant. Gau Daan, along with the donation of gold, silver, emeralds, milk, food grains, and land, is collectively known as Mahadaan.

Some people believe that rather than inviting someone in need to their own home for giving, going to the needy person’s house and offering help will bring greater rewards to the giver. It is suggested that during the act of giving (daan), the giver should face east, and the receiver should face north. This is believed to enhance the lifespan of both individuals involved. Typically, daan is done on special and lucky days, following specific times recommended by a famous astrologer.

Gau Daan is Mahadaan

The word ‘Gau’ in Sanskrit has different meanings like ‘source of food,’ ‘symbol of life,’ and ‘senses.’ On the other hand, ‘Daan’ means ‘gift.’ So, ‘Gau Daan’ basically means ‘gifting a cow.’ This ancient ritual has deep philosophical roots and has been practiced by our ancestors for a long time. Throughout history, kings and others have donated cows to Brahmins and others. It is believed that every person should donate at least one cow in their lifetime. In Gau Daan, a milking cow and its calf are usually gifted. Before the donation, they are worshipped with sacred items, flowers, and fruits. The ritual concludes with offering these cows, along with other items to the Brahmins.

Benefits of Cow Daan

The benefits of Cow Daan are believed to be countless. Donating a cow is considered the most significant act of giving. Gau Daan is thought to purify a person and lead them towards the highest state of eternal happiness. It’s said that offering a cow or other things like grains, water, or clothes to someone in need can even turn enemies into friends. This act of giving is also believed to ensure a peaceful life after death. According to Hindu beliefs, the Universe is interconnected, and whatever one gives to the Universe will eventually come back to them. This is the underlying purpose of performing Daan.

Donate to Shri Krishna Dham Gaushala to save and protect Gau Mata.

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Donate on Navratri - Krishna Dham
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Donate on Navratri & Earn The Blessings Of Maa Durga

Donate on Navratri - Krishna Dham

Donate on Navratri & Earn The Blessings Of Maa Durga

As we gear up to celebrate Navaratri, a festival that honors the divine feminine energy, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of giving back to those in need. In the spirit of this auspicious occasion, consider extending your generosity towards a noble cause: Donate on Navratri at the krishna Dham Gaushala.

Navaratri, a festival celebrated with fervor and joy across India, holds deep cultural and spiritual significance. It symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over darkness. It is a time for prayers, festivities, and acts of kindness. What better way to honor the essence of this festival than by extending compassion towards animals in need?

Donate on Navratri

Cows, revered as sacred animals in Hinduism, hold a special place in Indian culture and tradition. They are considered symbols of abundance, purity, and maternal nurturing. Yet, many cows in India suffer from neglect, malnutrition, and lack of proper care. This Navaratri, let’s come together to make a difference in their lives.

Krishna Dham Gaushala, located in the picturesque city of Dehradun, is a sanctuary for cows in need. Run by dedicated volunteers and animal lovers, the gaushala provides shelter, food, and medical care to abandoned, injured, and aging cows. It serves as a beacon of hope for these gentle creatures, offering them a safe haven where they can live out their lives with dignity and compassion.

Your donation, no matter how small, can make a meaningful impact on the lives of these cows. Whether it’s contributing towards their food, medical expenses, or infrastructure maintenance, every rupee counts towards ensuring their well-being. By donating to the Krishna Dham Gaushala this Navaratri, you’re not just supporting the cows; you’re also upholding the spirit of seva (selfless service) and compassion that lies at the heart of this festival.

Moreover, the act of giving during Navaratri is believed to bring blessings and positive energy into one’s life. By extending your generosity towards these sacred animals, you’re not only making a difference in their lives but also inviting blessings and abundance into your own.

In conclusion, as we immerse ourselves in the festivities of Navaratri, let’s not forget the importance of giving back to society, especially to those who cannot speak for themselves. Donate to the cows at krishna Dham Gaushala and be a part of this noble cause. Together, let’s make this Navaratri truly special by spreading love, compassion, and joy to all beings, great and small.

Donate Now:

Support to 2000 Gaumata

Support to 2000+ Gaumata On This Navratri

Support to 2000 Gaumata

Support to 2000 Gaumata This Navratri

Navratri, a time of festivity and devotion, is upon us once again. As we prepare to celebrate this auspicious occasion, let us take a moment to extend our support and kindness towards those who need it the most. This Navratri, let us come together to support over 2000 Gaumatas in Dehradun who are in need of our help and care.

Dehradun, nestled in the serene valleys of Uttarakhand, is home to Doon Animal Welfare, a gaushala founded by Mrs. Milli Kaur. This gaushala serves as a haven for more than 2000 cows, including adorable calves. It is a place where abandoned and sick cows find solace and care, thanks to the tireless efforts of Mrs. Milli Kaur and her team at Doon Animal Welfare.

Every day at Shri Krishna Dham Gaushala, cows are rescued from dire situations, given medical attention, and showered with love and compassion. The dedicated team not only tends to their physical ailments but also nurtures strong bonds with each and every cow. They believe in the power of kindness and strive to make a difference in the lives of these gentle creatures.

This Navratri, let us join hands to support the noble cause undertaken by Shri Krishna Dham Gaushala. One way we can contribute is by ensuring that these cows receive nutritious meals throughout the festive season. Your support can help provide essential food supplies, ensuring that these Gaumatas stay healthy and happy.

Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a significant impact in the lives of these animals. Your generosity is like planting seeds of kindness that will blossom into a brighter future for these cows. Together, let us spread love, compassion, and support to over 2000 Gaumatas in Dehradun this Navratri.

To extend your support or learn more about the incredible work being done at Shri Krishna Dham Gaushala, please visit our website or reach out directly to our Gaushala. Let us make this Navratri truly meaningful by showing our love and care for these beautiful creatures who deserve our support.



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